Joseph Langland; Spring Grove celebrates famous driftless poet 

Source: Spring Grove celebrates famous driftless poet – Winona Post

“War”, one of the seminal poems of World War II. In it, Langland recalls quiet,ly mourning in a barracks in France when he learned that his brother was killed fighting at Luzon in the Philippines. “Buchenwald, Near Weimar” recounts Langland’s experience of seeing mass graves and starved survivors at the Buchenwald concentration camp”


Japanese Women’s war poetry of the 1930s and 1940s

Source: Propaganda and the Home Front: Japanese Women’s war poetry of the 1930s and 1940s – CHL – ANU

Abstract: Presenting annotated translations of Japanese women’s free-style war poetry, we will demonstrate the multiplicity of women’s voices writing about the 15 Years War (1931-45). We will demonstrate a shift from pro-war propaganda through to anti-war works and finally explore a number of poems that express hope for a new world beyond the darkness of war. Including works from well-known women poets such as Yosano Akiko, Fukao Sumako, Nagase Kiyoko and Kurihara Sadako, we also include lesser-known poets to show the breadth of women’s engagement in war poetry.

James Tate’s ‘Dome of the Hidden Pavilion’ – The New York Times

James Tate  27OROURKE-blog427(1943 – 2015) was an American poet.   his first book, “The Lost Pilot” (1967), for publication in the Yale Series of Younger Poets. “The Lost Pilot” deals with an event that Tate turned into a foundational myth: When he was 4 months old, his father crashed while flying a mission over Germany. The two never met; instead Tate wrote, in the title poem, imagining his father as a pilot orbiting the earth year after year:

This is a new book is called Dome of the Hidden Pavilion.  From the NYT review:   “A shocking number of the poems here are about war and battle. There’s “The Lost Army,” “The Mission,” “The Invasion,” “Explosive Device,” “The Battlefield,” “After the War,” “The Soldiers’ Rebellion” and more. In “Life’s Game,” a couple are sneaking around town when they hear gunshots. The narrator real­izes they are in a video game he has been playing: “ ‘Watch this,’ I said. I waved my hand above me and shots were fired. I stood / up and a bullet hit me right between the eyes. ‘I’m dead,’ I said. ‘Oh my God, you’re right,’ she said.” One of the more potent war ­poems, “The Psychiatric Unit,” deals with memories you can’t let go of: “I remembered the ashen faces of the children with their / one good arms reaching out to touch their dead mothers and fathers / curled up at their feet.” When the speaker returns to America, “they stuck me in / a psychiatric unit with hundreds of other soldiers”:”

Source: James Tate’s ‘Dome of the Hidden Pavilion’ – The New York Times

WikiAnswers – What are the names of famous poets in World War 2

WikiAnswers – What are the names of famous poets in World War 2: “Dannie Abse, Drummond Allison, Kenneth Allott, Brian Allwood, Kingsley Amis, John Arlott, John Atkins, W.H. Auden, Donald Bain, Peter Baker, George Baker, John Bayliss, Samuel Beckett, Martin Bell, William Bell, Sir John Betjeman, Laurence Binyon, Edmund Blunden, David Bourne, Jocelyn Brooke, George Bruce, Basil Bunting, John Buxton, Norman Cameron, Roy Campbell, Demetrios Capetanakis, Charles Causley, Stephen Coates, Alex Comfort, Robert Conquest, Herbert Corby, Timothy corsellis, Nancy Cunard, Ralph Nixon Currey, Idris Davies, Cecil Day Lewis, Paul Dehn, Patric Dickinson, Walter de la Mare, H.D., Keith Douglas, Ronald Duncan, Lawrence Durrell, Clifford Dyment, T.S. Eliot, William Empson, Gavin Ewart, James Farrar, Iain Fletcher, G.S. Fraser, Roy Fuller, Ronald Gant, Wrey Gardiner, Robert Garioch, David Gascoyne, John Gawsworth, W.S. Graham, Robert Greacen, Robert Graves, Geoffery Grigson, Bernard Gutteridge, Stephen haggard, Charles Hamblett, Michael Hamburger, John Heath-Stubbs, Hamish Henderson, James Findlay Hendry, Geoffrey Holloway, John Jarmain, David Jones, Sidney Keyes, James Kirkup, Philip Larkin, Laurie Lee, John Lehmann, Denise Levertov, Alun Lewis, Maurice Lindsay, Emanuel Litvinoff, Christopher Logue, Herbert Lomas, Edward Lowbury, George MacBeth, Norman MacCaig, Hugh MacDiarmid, Sorley MacLean, Louis MacNeice, Charles Madge, H.B. Mallalieu, John Manifold, Alfred Marnau, John Masefield, Ronald Mathias, Christopher Middleton, A.A. Milne, James Monahan, William Montgomerie, Nicholas Moore, Edwin Morgan, Edwin Muir, Norman Nicholson, Leslie Norris, Kathleen Nott, Mervyn Peake, Ruth Pitter, William Plomer, Hugh Popham, Roy Porter, Paul Potts, Ezra Pound, Frank Templeton Prince, John Pudney, David Raikes, Kathleen Raine, Arnold Rattenbury, Sir Herbert Read, Alistair Reid, Keidrych Rhys, Edgell Rickword, Anne Ridler, Lynette Roberts, Micheal Roberts, W.R. Rodgers, Alan Rook, Alan Ross, J.M. Russell, Anthony Rye, Vita Sackville-West, Sagittarius, Derek Stanley Savage, Vernon Scannell, Francis Scarfe, Alexander Scott, Tom Scott, Edith Joy Scovell, George Scurfield, Howard Sergeant, Edward Shanks, John Short, C.H. Sisson, Dame Edith Sitwell, Montagu Slater, Stevie Smith, Sydney Goodsir Smith, Muriel Spark, Bernard Spencer, Richard Spender, Sir Stephen Spender, Derek Stanford, Gervase Stewart, Patience Strong, Hal Summers, Julian Symons, Tambimuttu M.J, Dylan Thomas, Ronald Stuart Thomas, Frank Thompson, Terence Tiller, Ruthven Todd, Henry Treece, John Waller, Vernon Watkins, Victor West, Johnathan Wilson, George woodcock, David Wright, Peter Yates, and Douglas Young”